An old-fashioned good time with food and family friendly activities. Be sure to invite a friend!
Fall Festival October 18th

An old-fashioned good time with food and family friendly activities. Be sure to invite a friend!
As Summer ends, and we begin returning to our usual lives, the church will resume its Wednesday night activities. We will resume serving dinners at 5:30, September 6th, in the MMC gym, and hope to see you there!
The deadline for our Christmas in July shoebox drive is fast approaching. If 150 boxes are turned in by August 27 then the church staff will “allow you to use their faces as target practice”. If you have any Operation
This Saturday, August 19, we will be hosting a quarter auction in the MMC. If you would like to donate items to the auction, or are interested in helping out, please contact Dave at
The Pathfinders Sunday School Class will be starting a new series on August 6th. Join us as we begin Simon Peter: Flawed but Faithful Disciple by Adam Hamilton. The class meets after the conclusion of 10:00 am worship service (11:15
The Little Ones’ Consignment Sale is almost here! LOCS will be held on the 4th and 5th of August, inside the MMC. LOCS is still looking for volunteers, and will continue to accept donations until the 23rd. For more information