Sundays at 11 a.m.

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w o r s h i p
Join us in person or online. On Sundays or at a time that works for you.

g r o w
Discover your path to Christian growth and how we can help.

m a k e a d i f f e r e n c e
Support our Kingdom work with your time, talent, or treasure.

God sightings
Share a moment in which God’s presence and goodness was very real to you.

prayer requests
Let us know how we can pray for you or for someone or something you care about.

church calendar
dates of upcoming church events

Church News
The latest posts from our staff and leadership.
- Join us for Worship – March 23, 2025
Sunday Worship:
March 23, 2025
THRIVE is an interactive, non-traditional experience with hands-on activities and lively discussion. We don’t think this experience can be fully engaged via livestream, so we invite you to join us in person in the MMC Gym at 11:00 a.m.!